Thursday, June 28, 2012

Picture Roll

I. Am.The.Worst.Blogger.Ever.

Life was so much simpler pre-twins, that's for sure.

Regardless, here are some things we've worked on recently!

Looking at these, I realize there are several more that I have not even uploaded yet!

Stay tuned internet!


  1. Use this diet hack to drop 2 lb of fat in just 8 hours

    Over 160 000 men and women are trying a easy and secret "water hack" to drop 2lbs each night while they sleep.

    It is very simple and works on everybody.

    This is how you can do it yourself:

    1) Get a drinking glass and fill it up with water half the way

    2) And then use this weight losing HACK

    and you'll be 2lbs lighter when you wake up!

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