Monday, October 3, 2011

Keep calm and blog on

This business of getting a child to school every single day is rough stuff. Two days a week was manageable, now I feel like I'm just trying to get through each day to get to the weekend. It's like I'm a full on grown up now. I know what you are thinking. "You have three kids. You run a business. You are 30." I tell myself the same things each day but I guess it just felt very whimsical to me before. Now it's much more structured. We for sure have to have a real dinner each night (long gone are the days of cereal for dinner when we have a lot of cake orders that week) and I feel compelled to make sure she has a decent breakfast on most days. If I thought I spent most of my time in the kitchen before, it's like where I live now.

All of that to are the things we've been working on lately!

Lego cake:

TCU cake:

Beachy Birthday Cake:


Westin's Star Wars Cake:

Fairy Garden Cake:

Harley Motorcycle Cake:

Mustache cake and cupcakes:

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