Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Reese's Pieces, Barnyard Animal, Pig Smash, and Super Mario Brothers Cakes!

Not a lot of time to elaborate (I'm surprised I'm even getting this post in!) but here are the cakes from last week!

Reese's Pieces Cake:

Barnyard Animal Cake to go along with a petting zoo birthday!

Close up of some super cute critters!

Pig Smash Cake (went along with the barnyard cake):

Super Mario Brothers 5th Birthday:



  1. Love the cakes, Steph - as usual ;) Especially the Reeces Pieces cake...it's so realistic that next time I go to the movies I'm going to skip the popcorn and go straight for the Reeces. Keep posting!

  2. Very cool barnyard cake! I have a friend and her kids had a cake that looked just like that!
