This is pretty rare. This post is going up before the cake even gets picked up!
This was requested for someone who really loves Krispy Kreme doughnuts. It was a last minute order but I'm still pretty happy with the result. It's supposed to look like a Krispy Kreme box, in case anyone out there has never seen one! (what planet are you on though, seriously?)
Vanilla cake with vanilla bc. The polka dots were made from mmf (marshmallow fondant) and there are nearly 700 of them! SEVEN HUNDRED! I punched out about 100 but I have to admit that my partner in crime punched out and attached the rest. Rodney really came through for me on that. That was some tedious work.

The "Krispy Kreme" logo was made with white chocolate. It came out pretty great and I think I got the colors to match up pretty well. The only problem with this logo is that since I got this order on such short notice I was unable to make it up to the cake shop to get some Guittard chocolate and had to settle for Wilton's instead. Wilton's white chocolate has a yellow look to it and it drives me crazy. I didn't put the trademark logo on the plaque - it was just too small to try and replicate.
Fun cake!

WOW! I love Krispie Kreme's too & thought I was looking at an actual box. Love you blog & your work!
I love looking at your blog and hope to do as well as you on cakes someday!
You've made my day!
That is SO cool!!!!
Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the Impressora e Multifuncional, I hope you enjoy. The address is http://impressora-multifuncional.blogspot.com. A hug.
That is amazing. I really thought it was the box and I couldn't believe it when I read it was a cake. How inspiring. I am hoping to get half that good at cake decorating one day.
Did you do the logo freehand or print it off the computer and attach it? Just curios...the cake turned out great by the way!
Thanks for all of your kind words!
The logo is a chocolate transfer. I reversed the image, printed it and piped it with white chocolate that I colored accordingly. Once I finished piping I put the whole thing in the fridge for about 5 minutes, took it out and flipped it onto the cake.
I love using chocolate transfers, I think they give everything a very real look.
Thanks again everyone, you are all too kind! This was a really fun cake to make!
really terrific work! this cake looks so realistic :)
Thanks Angie! I really love your cookies, they are absolutely beautiful! Thanks for the order by the way, I hope you guys enjoy it!
Oh wow! This cake is amazing - I bet you were so pleased to finish those dots! Fabulous cake! Hx
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