Sunday, February 18, 2007

Baby Shower Cake #3

This cake was for a baby shower yesterday. The invitation colors were white, baby blue and mint green. I tried to get the icing as close to that as possible! On this quilt cake, I added the fringe at the bottom and because my icing was giving me so much trouble, I took the star tip all the way down and around the cake. I'm probably going to get carpal tunnel soon.

The blocks on top also gave me some trouble. I cut them out of a square cake but when I went to ice them, things just weren't working out. I decided to whip up a batch of rolled buttercream and cover each cake with that. I also had to add little cardboard squares to the bottom of each cake so that they would stand appropriately and not bleed onto the bigger cake. (icing is greasy!)

I liked the way this cake turned out - I especially liked the fringe on the bottom! Hopefully they liked it too!

1 comment:

  1. We loved the cake!!! Everyone especially noticed the fringe at the bottom. Thanks again! It was perfect!
